Tuesday 21 June 2016


This film basically straddles different genre classifications which combines horror, comedy, romance, action, road film, and sci-fi. A typical horror sub-genre can be divided into unnatural, which involves vampires, ghosts, zombies; psychological that probably human's unstable mental and emotional narrative; and massacre or slasher that relies on serial killers or murderers.

Undoubtedly, 'Zombieland' is categorized under unnatural sub-genre.  All of these sub-genre share the same syntax where it probably begins with normalcy, for instance, in the film of 'Zombieland', when the 406 character asks help from Columbus; and slowly there are some irrational forces or chaos happen, it is when the 406 is infected by the bite of a homeless and she eventually turns into a zombie; followed by the internal threat enters the space where conflicts, chasing and killing start, this can be seen when the whole city is overrun by zombies, the four survivors: Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita, and Little Rock have to escape from the zombies to survive. At the end, it should back to normalcy or victory, which happens at the Pacific Playland, they successfully kill the zombies and continue their journey together as a family without biological relationships.

Moreover, slapstick and parody comedy can be seen in this film. Slapstick generally involves exaggerated physical action to deliver the sense of humor to the audiences. In 'Zombieland', when Columbus acts confidently and gets a bike thinking to save Wichita and Little Rock at the Pacific Playland, he wears smartly to ride on it, however, he falls and the bikes falls on him as the bike seems a little too heavy for him to control. Next, the part when Columbus completely misunderstands Bill Murray is faking as a zombie and accidentally shots him down and causes him death. The dark comedy we can see is when every time Tallahassee double tap on zombie no matter with using his gun, he will shot twice, or drives over the zombies with his car back and forth. The list of rules stated by Columbus to survive and escape from zombies gives the sense of humor as well such as he once said that it is more important to have good cardio than to be good with a shotgun or don't be a hero when it comes to zombies. The parody in 'Zombieland' is when Tallahassee, Bill Murray, and Wichita recreate the scene in 'Ghostbusters' after getting high of smoking shisha just like what Bill Murray used to act in the 'Ghostbusters' years ago.

The genre of romance happens between Columbus and Wichita. Columbus is being portrayed as a coward, behaves cautiously, no social life, although he is smart and keeping himself survive with the list of rules. Nonetheless, when Wichita appears in his life, his courage has increased and even breaks his own rules of "Don't be a hero" in order to save Wichita and Little Rock. Wichita can be shown as a smart girl, independent, single minded, brave to keep her sister and herself alive. This always happens to be a huge contrast between two characters and soon they will fall in love with each other.

This film is absolutely an action film, which the chasing and killing scenes in between the zombies and 4 characters. The chasing scene happens throughout the film especially at the Pacific Playland. Wichita and Little Rock activate all the machines which attract the zombies with the sound and music to the park. The zombies chase after Columbus while on his way to the turbo drop to save Wichita and Litlte Rock. Tallahassee is one of the action hero, the one man army, he is smart, never fear of killing zombies violently, and possesses stronger skills than Columbus. However, Wichita is the femme fatale who achieves her mission in the film using her beauty towards Columbus and the man at the petrol station. In the scene which she bends down her body purposely pretends looking for her ring to attract the man.

A road-film genre I have never heard before telling a film involves travelling on a journey from point A to point B and the characters are mostly stuck in the transportation which either car or feet. At the same time, they will start bonding their relationship on the journey. In "Zombieland", the montage is shown when the driver position is changed from time to time while they are chit-chatting, as well as when they stop by a craft store and smash everything satisfyingly with the classical grand background music.

Although sci-fi genre is not clearly shown through fantastic and fanciful visual in "Zombieland", Columbus once mentioned at the beginning of the film that strain of mad cow disease mutated into mad person disease and turns human beings into zombies that brings an extinction happens in the world.

Except for the dark humor, it's kind of a loose content for me as just watching a group of people escape from the zombies. However, it's fun watching to entertain myself.

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